Tiger Badis (Badis kyar)

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Tiger Badis

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Tiger Badis

Badis kyar

57 Litres (15 US G.)

3-4.1cm (1.2-1.6 ")




6.5 - 7.2

21.7-24.4°C (71 -76 °F)

5-15 °d

1:1 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Live Foods

5-8 years



Origin[edit | edit source]

Endemic to the Ayeyarwady river drainage in northern Myanmar.

Sexing[edit | edit source]

Mature males should be slimmer and more colourful than mature females.

Tank compatibility[edit | edit source]

This fish should be generally peaceful, however, it can be shy so would be outcompeted to food by more bold fish, it may also become territorial in smaller tanks. Males of this species may well be territorial towards one another so tanks should be spacious with plenty of hiding places in order to house more than one. They may also fin nip so long-finned fish such as Angelfish should be avoided. Best either kept in a species tank or with similar-sized more peaceful fish such as Harlequin Rasboras or Cherry Barbs.

Diet[edit | edit source]

These fish may be fussy eaters and may well only accept small live/frozen food such as brine shrimp, bloodworm or daphnia. Some individuals may wean on to dry food, others will not.

Feeding regime[edit | edit source]

This fish is an ambush predator so if it is being housed with other fish it should be target fed, or food placed in its near vicinity, to ensure it gets food. Feed once or twice a day.

Environment specifics[edit | edit source]

Provide this fish with a spacious tank with plenty of hiding places, thrives in dimly-lit heavily planted tanks with plenty of caves for hiding, and even spawning, in.

Behaviour[edit | edit source]

A generally peaceful and shy fish, although males will be territorial towards one another.

Identification[edit | edit source]

An oval fish, almost Cichlid-like in appearance. It has a dusky orange-brown body with several dark brown vertical stripe visible from the gill plate to the caudal peduncle. A dark band also runs from the snout, through the eye, to the gill plate. The fins are transparent with gold-yellow iridescence. The dorsal, anal and pelvic fins are edged with more solid yellow-gold.

Pictures[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]